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  2. HollowAsta

    Ahri Wants to be Your Valentine

    Thanks! Sometimes it's hard to keep it simple. lol
  3. HollowAsta

    Dreaming of Falling Through the Stars

  4. Maniak_uk

    Ahri Wants to be Your Valentine

    Simple but effective
  5. Maniak_uk

    Dreaming of Falling Through the Stars

    Nice bg effects
  6. Ahri wants to be your valentine for Valentine's day. What will your answer be? Not sure you'll have a choice once she hits you with her charms. Let me know what you think. Thanks!
  7. This was made as a phone background and definitely looks better when viewed at 40% xD Let me know what you think! Thanks!
  8. HollowAsta

    Practicing Magic in the Forest

  9. Maniak_uk

    Practicing Magic in the Forest

    Nice tones and atmosphere
  10. HollowAsta

    Practicing Magic in the Forest

    PC background. Let me know what you think. Thanks!
  11. HollowAsta

    World of Color Under Attack

    Was going for her being attacked by a colorless enemy of black and white but I can also see how they could be distracting. Thanks for the feedback!
  12. Maniak_uk

    World of Color Under Attack

    Nice work but feel the white splatters are bit distracting
  13. HollowAsta

    World of Color Under Attack

    I call this one World of Color Under Attack. Let me know what you think. Thanks!
  14. zompu

    It's in the eyes

    the quality is great. effects on the face are cool. clouds on bottom really fit in the piece, blue splatters on them ruins the depth imo. vignette is too big and strong for me, no light source. nice work!
  15. zompu


    nice elements, now for the highlights and depth.
  16. Maniak_uk


    Love the colours and effects under the text ,feel the top part isnt needed and feel the text would fit better if takes some bright colours from the effects kiu
  17. YoYo

    It's in the eyes

    Nice Piece. I love the focal of the eyes.
  18. Freddie

    Planet two & Planet three

    I am loving the reflections... Great work!
  19. Alucard1973

    What are you listening to?

  20. Maniak_uk

    Planet two & Planet three

    Nicely done , cool concept
  21. Mikey

    Planet two & Planet three

    Very cool!
  22. riofriz

    Planet two & Planet three

    Some of you may remember the first two pieces from the collection! Here's the next two Two Three Hope you are all well, been a while ♥️
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About Us

Pimped Pixels was founded in 2010 by Maniak, Asura, Cliffbuck and Evilangel. Shortly afterwards Mikey jumped onboard and joined the team. We are a group of friends with a passion for art and a need to help others by sharing. The site started with just the four and in a short while grew to a community of over 4000 members. Everyone is welcome here, from complete beginners to all out professionals. We have something for everyone. Our aim is to give everyone with the "bug" a place to learn, make friends and share their passion.

Congratulations to iEatB4breakfast for winning this weeks SOTW
  • iEatB4breakfast
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